6 cosas que SÓLO publican las personas con BAJA autoestima en Facebook
Las cosas que publicas en Facebook pueden exteriorizar tu falta de amor propio. ¡Cuidado!

Adriana Acosta Bujan
Most people have a Facebook account, it is undoubtedly one of the most famous, where they allow us to interact with our loved ones, friends and family. Even many times it is used as a work tool. However, many things that are published on social networks are not always in our favor.
Many human resources companies, anyone with internet skills and authorities can easily navigate our profile, even activating the application’s privacy policy. Many things are revealed when we share images, photographs, videos and texts such as: lifestyle, our personality, social relationships, even some psychological problem such as low self-esteem.
As published in Mujer10 and other media , experts confirm the 6 things published on Facebook that detect a person’s low self-esteem.
1. Share your location
It is a way of shouting to the world what you are doing. People with low self-esteem need the recognition and approval of society. One way to do it is to share the location every so often, so that others know the great social life they have, even good economy. It is common to find photographs traveling, when visiting a restaurant, cinema or theater. They share everything, each one of their movements.
It is not necessary to publish where you are, what place you visit frequently, in doing so you run the risk of someone hurting you, knowing that you are far away from your home.
2. Publish photographs in the gym
It is a way to show the world, that every day you go to the gym your body is strengthened and that you are very attractive. By doing so your results will not multiply, on the contrary, your thoughts are directed towards achieving acceptance by someone. You can even expose yourself to criticism, ridicule or worse than someone who does not want to harm you.
3. Publish photographs of food
Of course it is delicious to enjoy a delicious meal, but the people who do it all the time, just want to get a lot of likes. It is not something that interests others if you are eating or going to eat. You can pretend to be a frivolous person and even a little (bluff) presumptuous.
4. Millions of selfies
Los sociólogos y psiquiatras confirman que las personas que comparten en exceso muchas selfies, es porque tienen baja autoestima, inseguridad y poco amor propio. Podemos pensar que es todo lo contrario, sin embargo, las personas construyen una identidad que necesita recibir retroalimentación y ser validada.
Te invito a leer: Selfie, luego existo
5. Marcas y todas las compras
Ir de compras es una actividad que a muchas mujeres nos encanta, es una manera de consentirnos, de alimentar nuestra autoestima y relajarnos. Sin embargo, presumir cada rato las compras que realizaste con las marcas, es una manera de comprobar que necesitas aprobación por los demás y que las cosas materias te importan mucho. Es una manera de demostrar la baja autoestima que tiene una persona.
6. Estado sentimental
Studies from the universities of Brimingham, Edinburgh and Heriot-Waltt, in the United Kingdom, confirm that people who publish their sentimental statements, reveal that they lack intimate relationships, that weakens the affective bond that exists in real life. Many people post when they get angry with their partners or whatever they do with them, causes lack of privacy and realism.
I share: Learn to do well, or lose your Facebook account
Be careful of what you post on social networks, instead of talking well of you, it may be the opposite. If you need to increase your self-esteem, it is recommended that you go with a specialist, where you will receive the support and help you require.